Sophisticated comfort. Luxury details. Elevated hospitality. Each guestroom at Pendry Manhattan West welcomes you with a comfortable, yet contemporary take on timeless style, a spacious setting that feels like home, and a signature Pendry nod to west side New York’s classic yet always cool character.
Coffee, cocktails and everything in between. Pendry Manhattan West’s suite of signature culinary concepts are stylish city standouts with morning to night favorites including Vista Lounge, Bar Pendry, Zou Zou’s and Chez Zou, all steps from your guestroom.
Pendry Manhattan West anchors the iconic Manhattan West neighborhood with inimitable design and easy access to the best dining, shopping, culture and lifestyle destinations on the city’s west side, inside and out.
From small private parties to grand-scale celebrations, Pendry Manhattan West’s suite of special event spaces offer inspiration, style and highly customizable elements for gatherings of all sorts with a prime, central location in the heart of Manhattan.
Stay, well. Pendry knows that wellness on the go is a key component to great travel so every property is equipped with a state-of-the-art fitness center and 24/7 access to suit your schedule and personal goals.